Elite Hospice located in Searcy, Arkansas, was honored to be part of recognizing a special patient who served in WWII as Providence Assisted Living hosted his 100th Birthday on 09/09/2022. US Representative French Hill, Arkansas State House Representative Les Eaves, Brigadier General John Payne, Deputy Adjutant General of the Arkansas National Guard, along with other State and local elected officials were in attendance to present Mr. Jack Spaulding a variety of honors and recognitions. It was my honor to present Mr. Spaulding the LHC We Honor Veterans pin which was attached to a card bearing the Veteran’s Creed. I read the creed to the attendees. Afterward, not only did the esteemed guests express gratitude for the remarks, but so did a number of veterans in attendance.
Mr. Spaulding passed away three days later (09/12/2022) at the age of one hundred years and three days. It was a high honor to pay tribute to this great American. As an officer in the Army National Guard, I chose to pay tribute to Mr. Spaulding by presenting LHC’s recognition while in my Army Service Uniform
To view more highlights from this event follow the link here to Elite Hospice’s Facebook page.