This guide provides a suggested overview for identifying and supporting Veterans of Foreign Militaries at end-of-life.
Resource Library
Certificates of Recognition for Veterans of Foreign Militaries (VoFM)
This file includes templates for certificates of recognition that your organization can customize and present to Veterans of foreign militaries and/or their family members.
WHV Partner Networking Call – Summer 2024
During WHV’s Summer 2024 Partner Networking Call attendees came together to receives updates on the most recent news from the VA and the NAHC-NHPCO Alliance and celebrate WHV partner successes and upcoming events!
2023 WHV Annual Report
Download a copy of the 2023 We Honor Veterans Annual Report to see what our WHV partners accomplished.
WHV Webinar: Dementia Series Part 1: Veterans with Dementia at End of Life
In this WHV webinar, Dr. Kimberly Garner and Elise Passy provide valuable insight and relevant resources for providers caring for Veterans with dementia at end of life!
WHV Webinar: Identifying Clinically Meaningful Moral Injury Among Veterans at End-of-Life
In this WHV webinar, Dr. Brandon Griffin and Todd McKee provide valuable tools and recommendations for caring for Veterans with moral injury at end of life!
WHV Partner Networking Call – Spring 2024
The first WHV Partner Networking Call of 2024 included an overview of benefits from the VA, information about Dreams for Veterans, and stories and photos from a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Event!
CNH Initiative: Overview for Frontline Staff and Supervisors
An introduction to military culture and how and which questions to ask Veteran patients as well as the importance, steps, and examples of honor ceremonies and how the interprofessional team and family unit can be included.
CNH Initiative: Identifying and Addressing Sources of Suffering
Information on how to identify common symptoms and sources of suffering, the role of the Nursing Assistant/Caregiver and interventions to palliate symptoms, and supporting those who may be suffering even if you can’t fix it.
CNH Initiative: Ceremonies to Honor and Remember
This resouce can help you see the importance and process of a pinning ceremony through various video examples and recognize the role of the interprofessional team and others in honoring Veterans, their loved ones, and ceremonies of remembrance.
CNH Initiative: Caring for Veterans in their Final Hours
Use this resource to learn how to identify the common signs and symptoms of the dying process, find examples of supportive comments for Veterans and their families, and gain insights into appreciating the fulfillment from quality care at end of life.
CNH Initiative: Addressing Trauma and its Impacts
This resource provides an overview of the impact of military service, gender, and age including methods of therapeutic communication with Veterans and their families. This module also addresses how staff can deal with manifestations of trauma or moral injury.