I am so excited to start this blog! I have so many experiences during my training and racing that I am excited to share. I started this blog on June 24th and will add to it regularly. The latest updates will always be at the top of the page. To start from the beginning, scroll to the bottom.
Please donate to my effort. All gifts will support We Honor Veterans.

June 26, 2011
I drove to Leadville, CO today which the town itself is at 10,200 feet. I ran 40 miles of the Leadville 100 course today. I felt really good! I was experimenting on some different nutrition items as I always struggle with eating the right things that give me energy but can keep down. The weather was warm in the high country today (80 degrees) but that is good as I believe Vermont will be warm as well. I ran Bear 100 several years ago and it was also very warm there so it is good to train in the heat. I am tired tonight but it is a good tired from a long day of exercise. Looking forward to some more mountain trail running tomorrow!
June 25, 2011
Today I ran up Copper Mountain which topped out over 12,000 feet above sea level. It was straight up hill running for 60 minutes to get to the top and then ran along the Continental Divide for another 8 miles. Great run today and my legs are feeling stronger every day. The elevation is feeling easier. Tomorrow is my big run so don’t want to overdo it today,
June 24, 2011
Today I am at my mountain house in Silverthorne, CO. My place is at 9,600 feet elevation and is the perfect place to run trails and get some great elevation training in. Right behind my cabin I have trails that start and can run for many miles without running the same trail twice. Today I ran up a mountain for a hour and came back down in about 40 minutes. I wanted to go further up but there were snow fields blocking the trail at the top. I will give it another week or so and it should be clear all the way to the top.
During my run I was thinking about Hospice for Veterans and all the sacrifices our veterans have made for us. I spoke to my son yesterday in Afghanistan and he said it was very hot there (112 degrees). He works 12 hours on 12 hours off 7 days a week. I am so proud of him for his commitment and all he does for us! My training for the upcoming Vermont 100 is fueled by all the veterans out there that have served. You all have done so much!