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Columbus Hospice of Alabama
Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Frank C. Plass is a hero. Fort Benning dedicated a building in his honor, Plass Hall. His awards include a Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal, 19th recipient of the Doughboy Award in 1997. He was also one of 264 recipients awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge with two stars for combat in three separate wars. Read more about these recognition events.

Senior Independence Hospice of Mid-America part of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America joined forces with the USAF in Wichita Kansas to honor a hospice patient. As a result of a pinning ceremony, FOX news network picked up the story. Social media lit up, encapsulating over 66 thousand “likes” and tens of thousands of “shares”. Through the We Honor Veterans program and the partnership with USAF this patient was truly moved and inspired. Read the article published by Fox News.

Rice Hospice, Willmar, MN: Level Three Partner
In my final two years as a Rice Hospice Social Worker, I had the privilege of participating in 43 “We Honor Veterans” Recognition Ceremonies. I was always moved, often to tears. These Veteran men and women were proud, patriotic, and many had never been publicly acknowledged for their military service and sacrifices. At the end of life’s journey, it seemed only fitting to salute and recognize these “heroes”, none of whom saw themselves that way. Read more about these recognition events.

Hospice of McDowell County, Marion, NC: Level Three Partner
Youa Tong Yang fought bravely for decades with both the French and U.S. forces against the communist forces in the Vietnam War. He was honored by fellow his fellow Veterans, and presented with two pins and a certificate from Hospice of McDowell County. Read more on how this warrior fought communist forces for decades and how he was a real hero to many people.